05 February 2010

RDMF4: Agenda Available


The agenda for the fourth DCC-RIN Research Data Management Forum, taking place in Manchester on 10th and 11th March 2010 with a theme of "Dealing with Sensitive Data: Managing Ethics, Security and Trust", is now online at

Event registration is also available through this page.

Speakers at the event include: Professor Iain Buchan, Professor of Public Health Informatics and Director of NIBHI, University of Manchester; Nicky Tarry, Research Data Transfer Security, Department for Work and Pensions; Kevin Ashley, Head of Digital Archives Development, University of London Computer Centre; Melanie Wright, UK Data Archive Secure Data Service; Veerle Van den Eynden, Research Data Management Support Services, UK Data Archive.

Please note that delegate numbers are strictly limited, so early registration is advised.

Kind regards,
